Our Commitment to the UN Convention

Along with other signatories to the Convention, Australia has a strong regime of anti‑discrimination legislation at both Commonwealth and State and Territory level. This legislation aims to eliminate discrimination on the basis of disability. Australia signed the United Nations Convention on the Rights of People with Disability on 30 March 2007, which were subsequently ratified on 17 July 2008.[1]

Upon ratification the Convention the Australian Government made the following declaration as a commitment to promote the equality of all people with disability.[2]

Australia recognizes that persons with disability enjoy legal capacity on an equal basis with others in all aspects of life.

Australia declares its understanding that the Convention allows for fully supported or substituted decision-making arrangements, which provide for decisions to be made on behalf of a person, only where such arrangements are necessary, as a last resort and subject to safeguards;

 Australia recognizes that every person with disability has a right to respect for his or her physical and mental integrity on an equal basis with others.  Australia further declares its understanding that the Convention allows for compulsory assistance or treatment of persons, including measures taken for the treatment of mental disability, where such treatment is necessary, as a last resort and subject to safeguards;

Australia recognizes the rights of persons with disability to liberty of movement, to freedom to choose their residence and to a nationality, on an equal basis with others.  Australia further declares its understanding that the Convention does not create a right for a person to enter or remain in a country of which he or she is not a national, nor impact on Australia’s health requirements for non-nationals seeking to enter or remain in Australia, where these requirements are based on legitimate, objective and reasonable criteria.

[1] United Nations, Convention and Optional Protocol Signatures and Ratifications, http://www.un.org/disabilities/countries.asp?navid=17&pid=166, viewed 27 August 2015

[2] United Nations Treaty Collection, Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, https://treaties.un.org/Pages/ViewDetails.aspx?src=TREATY&mtdsg_no=IV-15&chapter=4&lang=en, viewed 19 August 2015

Buildings need exit and emergency signs to identify parts of the accessible means of egress. An Accessible Exit Sign Project Initiative.