Universal Design Meets the Exit Sign Accessible Means of Egress Icon Exit Sign


Universal Design Meets the Exit Sign is an initiative of The Accessible Exit Sign Project.

The Project is an international awareness campaign that promotes the need for an accessible means of egress. The objectives of the Project are to start discussions between industry stakeholders, disability groups, legislators, developers, and insurers etc, to look at better building design solutions that provide safer buildings, reduce risk and meet the needs of all occupants.

A critical part of safe evacuations is providing clear wayfinding information for all occupants, with appropriate exit signage to identify the accessible exits, refuge areas, evacuation lifts and other evacuation devices.

The Universal Design Meets the Exit Sign concept presents a case to support the use of these signs in all buildings, which can provide a safer built environment.

Buildings need exit and emergency signs to identify parts of the accessible means of egress. An Accessible Exit Sign Project Initiative.