Accessible Exit Sign Project Video screenshot

The Accessible Exit Sign Project Video

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Read the Transcript from the Video

“Hello, I’m here to talk about The Accessible Exit Sign Project.

The Project is an international campaign that promotes the need for an accessible means of egress in all buildings.

The concept has been developed by Egress Group in Melbourne, Australia.

The intention of the Accessible Exit Sign Project is to promote universal access and egress for all building occupants.

Everyone deserves a safe way out from a building during an emergency, including those that may face some extra challenges negotiating an egress route, particularly when the only way out is down a fire escape stairway.

The Accessible Exit Sign Project adopts universal design principals and we believe that in the near future these signs will become the norm and a minimum requirement in all new buildings around the world.

The project has already started some important discussions between industry stakeholders, disability groups and building code officials who are now looking at better building design solutions.

The project presents ideas that provide for safer buildings, with reduced risks and exit sign wayfinding strategies that meet the needs of all occupants.

These ideas include the natural extension of universal design principles to help identify both the ‘non-accessible’ means of egress and more importantly, the ‘accessible’ means of egress, which everyone can use, regardless of their abilities.

These enhanced signs can identify the locations of all components of the accessible means of egress, including exit doors, exit routes, refuge areas, assisted rescue areas, evacuation chairs, and evacuation lifts.

The use of the ‘Accessible Means of Egress Icon’ is a critical part of the solution to address these issues.

For more videos or information on the use of the Icon please visit the website

Thank you”

Buildings need exit and emergency signs to identify parts of the accessible means of egress. An Accessible Exit Sign Project Initiative.